Skiston and her family ended up moving to Galena because her dad found a better job opportunity and already had family living here.
“Moving is scary, because you don’t know how people are going to react to you in the new school, but the worst part about moving is leaving your friends behind,” said Skiston.
Emily had roughly around 1,200 students in her entire school.
“Galena is way smaller and living in a big city there is much more to do,” said Skiston. Living in the subarbs of Chicago Skiston always had many options of things she wanted to do.
Galena is going to be a big change for her, and it will get some getting use to. Skiston said, “I have had a lot of time to ajust to the idea, since junior year.”So far she has made her way downtown, shopped with her friends, and mini golfed at the Little General Mini Golf Course.