Students at Galena High School were happy to be dismissed two hours early on August 26 & 27. Temperatures reached up to 93° with a feel of 114° on Monday, August 26, and 83° with a real feel of 100° on Tuesday, August 27.
GHS students and staff received the news around 7 pm on Sunday from Mr. Vincent- Galena Unit School’s Superintendent. “My initial reaction was the safety of the high school kids in dangerous heat and then went through the logistics of bussing, sports practices, and class schedules with the administrative staff,” he stated.
Although it was extremely hot, only GHS got dismissed. GEMS stayed with their regular schedule since they have central air conditioning. Mr. Vincent said that the only thing that needed to be modified was “outdoor practices, PE class, and recess but there are no safety issues if the air conditioning is functioning properly in GEMS.”
“Being in school for half of the day was hot and sticky!” said GHS sophomore, Caitlin Kennedy. “Getting from class to class worsened with so many kids trying to get into the somewhat cooled classrooms. I’m just glad we didn’t have to spend two full days of school in such a hot mess.”
In the future, students and families are hopeful this won’t happen again. Construction on the new high school will start this March, including new air conditioners. “We will not be letting out early when GHS has air conditioning in a couple of years,” said Mr. Vincent. He is hopeful that the outdated window air conditioners will be gone so, “we will not have to worry about it after next summer!”