Old rival, new friend: Mr. Herbst
The silence of the crowd at pirate appreciation night, from Mr. Herbst’s words showed the speech’s powerful impact had reached into the minds and hearts of those listening. Though Mr. Herbst is not coming from a large distance away, he brings monumental experience to Galena. Currently in his 29th year in education Mr. Herbst has a lot of skills and knowledge when it comes to schools. With this in mind he finds that Galena has all the components of a good school.
Mr. Herbst, has outlined many goals for this year, however his overall goal of the year is to become part of Galena, and its culture. Other goals of this year are improving the communication with stakeholders and the community, and developing professional relationships with members of the school community, as well as service providers, and businesses throughout the community. However the overall, long-term goal Mr. Herbst wishes to accomplish is, “To facilitate anything possible to make Galena great,” said Herbst.
“This is the start of my 19th year in administration I have always thought there is no such thing as a perfect district, but I started to rethink that,” said Herbst “Galena has all the components from the schools to the downtown, to the hillside, to be amazing.”
Mr. Herbst explains how Galena has the making to become a great school, through the school’s different aspects. One of these aspects is its people. “School are made out of bricks and mortar people make the difference, just like how a modest house, can be a loving home,” said Herbst.
Herbst also talked about the steps the school board is taking in response to the school’s physical condition, “I think what is going on right now is needed” said Herbst. Currently an analysis on the structure of the school is being taken. Herbst also mentioned the importance of the decision that the board will make, and how the impact will reach on for many generations. Herbst said, “The decision will impact children who attend Galena now and 70 years from now.”
By Adam Swisher