Oh, the places they’ve gone
Frames filled with tiny school pictures of graduating classes since the beginning of Galena High School line the walls of the 60-year-old school in small town Illinois. Stereotypically this is perfect environment for farmers and welders alike. However, for most recent graduates of Galena High School, such jobs are not exactly the right fit.
Take Ben Jenkins for example. Currently, Jenkins is employed by Northwestern University and operates the jumbotron screen for different sporting events. As a 2012 graduate, Ben describes the extracurricular activities at GHS as, “where Galena really shines.” Ben was well known as a star on the stage of Turner Hall and a leader on the football field. These extra curriculars helped with his current career, as media and knowledge of sports go hand in hand with this unique job.
Another GHS graduate, Brandon Beadle is currently employed at RT&T Logistics in Dubuque Iowa. Beadle graduated in 2011, and was an avid golfer, starting as the top golfer and captain from his sophomore year.
“I work in a business like setting now, and classes like Consumer Ed were obviously helpful, but other opportunities like AVC and Communications class helped with skills I use daily,” Beadle said.
As for right now, Beadle recently received a promotion into a leadership position. Jenkins is still working for Northwestern, and the GHS band saw his work at the annual Northwestern Band Day for the football team two weeks ago.
Jenkins and Beadle are among many graduates that have taken advantage of the opportunities and broke the mold of a stereotypical Midwestern graduate. Each graduate behind those tiny pictures that dot the walls has had an unique experience at GHS, and with each new frame, there is a new class waiting to do great things.