Student Council swings into the new year
Students dance at Winter Formal. The event was organized by the Student Council, and held in the Gym on December 3.
After a very successful Second Annual Winter Formal, this is the time of year when student council slows down a little so student council members can plan some additional activities.
Senior student council members have finalized the senior trip. The Senior Class trip is fast approaching and the Senior Class will be going to Kalahari and Elusive Escape Room in Wisconsin Dells. After a fun packed day the class will slow down and enjoy a meal together at Pizza Ranch. Many different location ideas were presented for the Senior Class trip, from Madison to Chicago to even Eau Claire, Wisconsin. “After looking at the events the class wanted to do, it was obvious that Kalahari would provide all of those events and activities.” Senior Class Secretary Sofia Sanchez said.
The seniors aren’t the only ones busy planning an activity. The Junior Class is planning Prom!
“Planning Prom has been tough so far. There are a lot of decisions we have to make that will represent all of the upperclassmen. Last year I had a lot of fun, and we’re trying to make it even better this year,” Junior Class President Hailey Wills said. The juniors are also raising money by hosting dinners at the Elks Club downtown. The first was November 9 and the others are January 11, February 8, and your last chance is March 8th. See a Junior Class representative for more information.
In addition student council members are working the concession stand at the boys basketball games. They are also planning to do Candy Grams for Valentine’s Day, and have also started to think of fun ideas for the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day. “Although we aren’t doing much, Valentines Day and St. Patrick’s Day should be pretty fun for everyone.” Sophomore Student Council member Conner Einsweiler said. Listen to the announcements in the near future to hear more information about both events.