Swisher Says
Many will not remember the days-of-old with Swisher Says, however those who do remember, will sometimes wonder why Swisher Says stopped. Why did the multitude of shower-thoughts cease?
To be honest, I do not know why myself, all I know is that it has been too long since the last Swisher Says column. Swisher Says started when I was a freshman, I was fourteen, and filled with random thoughts that were not useful or helpful in any capacity, so I turned to the only place where I could express them: the GHS Spyglass.
After its creation, a handful of students and faculty read the column, finding it slightly amusing, or a waste of print. Still it got attention for its limited time in the newspaper.
For all who do not know about Swisher Says, it was just a collection of random thoughts by yours truly, Adam Swisher.
Some examples from thoughts of the past
– Why does PH make a F sound? If you ask any little kid to sound out the word photo it would sound closer to pahoto.
– Is a person able to sneeze while sleeping?
– If a white piece of paper reflects all colors, and so does a mirror, so why don’t they look the same.
Today I am wondering
– Why is the butterfly effect based around butterflies?
– Why are the handles on most mugs not big enough to fit all four fingers?
– Why do most people get their news from social media?
– Why are there so many kinds of lemon lime soda, there’s Sprite, Seven-Up, Sierra Mist, Ginger ale, Squirt, Fresca, Citra, 50-50, Shasta, etc…
– Why do we have political parties?
– Why is the English language so confusing, almost all the rules have exceptions.
– Why is the symbol of the heart look like the way it does? It doesn’t resemble the actual organ.