Captain Luc Pham sets school record

Galena Scholastic bowl history was made on Monday, February 6 when senior captain Luc Pham routinely answered a toss-up question correctly against East Dubuque. This was no ordinary question, this was Pham’s 386th correctly answered toss-up which made him the all-time leading scorer in Galena scholastic bowl history.
“I am very proud to have reached this milestone. I couldn’t have done it without the help of my great team and coach.” said Pham. “I hope to hold this record for at least one year until Evelyn inevitably steals it.”
Coach Ron Jenkins is entering his 21st year as the varsity head coach, and is happy about the impact that Luc is making on the team already this year.
“Luc is an excellent role model for the younger kids.” said Mr. Jenkins. “You want your kids to know a lot of stuff, and Luc sure does know a lot of stuff.”
Pham is a four-year starter for Galena and has made an impact ever since his first meet as a freshman. Now he hopes to pile on the correctly answered toss-ups and make his record that much more difficult for the next scholastic bowler to reach, which will more than likely be sophomore Evelyn Larson.
“Evelyn Larson is the next Luc Pham of Galena scholastic bowl.” said Jenkins. “She is doing great things for us already, as Luc did his sophomore year.”
As of right now, Pham can sit back and relax knowing that he holds the record at over 400 and counting.
“I’d like to thank my team, coach and Alex Trebek for getting me where I am today, I couldn’t have done it without them.”