Spanish Club is movie ready
Eager to participate. The GHS Spanish Club has drawn quite the crowd of members who are actively involved. Not only has the club hosted movie nights, but also has made piñatas and Mexican food. “I love being involved in Spanish Club because it’s nice expressing the culture,” Alexa Rodriguez ‘21 said.
On Monday, March 4th the GHS Spanish Club will be holding a movie night. It will start at 6 p.m in teacher Scott Gimmy’s room. The movie that will be shown is “Selena.”
Movie nights for Spanish Club are a way to culturalize students and learn. It is also a way to comprehend movies differently than normally, compared to theaters and home.
“Movie nights are a great time. You get to hang out with friends, snack, and take in a different experience,” Sydney Benson 21’ said.
The movie “Selena” stars Jennifer Lopez as Selena. In the film it portrays the life of her growing up from childhood as a talented star. She started at smaller venues and worked her way to being known by thousands. Though, tragic strikes Selena and the answers revealed are shocking.
Teacher Scott Gimmy said, “We picked the movie Selena because it’s a very popular movie about a girl chasing her dreams and overcoming adversity,, while trying to find her own place. Movie night is a great opportunity for people to come together and enjoy each other’s company.”
The movie has great reviews. Allison Garcia 21’ said, “I’m really interested in what happened to her and how everything went down.”
Anyone can join in and watch. Come a little early if you want a good spot and make sure to bring snacks!