Teachers Struggle During Pandemic 

This school year has had dramatic changes due to the coronavirus pandemic. Teachers had to modify their teaching techniques due to many students being remote, as well as shorter class periods, and no C days. With many students being remote teachers have to communicate with both remote learners and students who are learning in school, this can be very stressful for teachers. There is no homeroom at GHS anymore, which was a time to ask our teachers any questions as well as retake tests, this remake has caused many teachers to change up their learning systems. For example, now we have to schedule Google meets with our teachers instead of homeroom time. These alternatives can make it harder for the teachers to teach and the student to learn.

Many teachers throughout the high school are changing their teaching techniques for what is most beneficial for their classroom. Guidance counselor Mrs. Deppe, explains some of the changes she has made to benefit our school and keep everyone healthy. Deppe states, “As a counselor I have had to change some of my student and parent meetings to Google meets, as well as registration is majorly different this year since we cannot gather in groups,” said Deppe. On the bright side The English Department has been awesome in helping me reach all of the students for registration!” expressed Deppe. 

With some students being online and many in person technology can play a part in negatively affecting teaching. With connections errors and blurry screens, this can create trouble in the teacher’s teaching. Health/ drivers Ed teacher, Mrs. McIntyre, comments on what struggles have most negatively affected their teaching. McIntyre states, “I would have to say technology issues have occasionally put a kink in my plans but it hasn’t been too bad,” said McIntyre. “As well as my driving schedule has been a nightmare this year, it’s been difficult to schedule students this year because of scheduling conflicts but the quarantining and lack of communication has made it even more difficult, explains McIntyre. “While this has been a small struggle, the students are finally catching on and doing a good job of communicating absences with me so we are making a lot more progress!” 

While internet problems and shortened class periods , these new routines can affect the teachers menally and physically. Waking up to the consent unknown can be exhausting for not only the teachers but the students as well. Special Ed teacher, Mrs. Watson, explains how these struggles have impacted her mentally. Watson states, “I remember to take a lot of deep breaths, it’s stressful….and it seems to go in waves,” said Watson. “At times, I feel like I have it figured out and all is well and then the next week, I feel like I am starting over,” claimed Watson.

There may seem to be many negatives but the students as well as the faculty have been adapting to the new normal very well. While some of these changes have affected the teachers’ learning they have been very flexible with the students and making sure to keep the online students engaged. The teachers have set up Google meets with the students if they need extra help, which is very convenient for everyone’s schedule. Guidance counselor Mrs. Deppe has explained some surprising positives to this new crazy year. Deppe states, “Virtual meetings that are not with students are much shorter, what a time saver!” declared Deppe. “I’ve been able to have meetings at home during the evening and that works well for some parents.”

This school has been unexpected and crazy. While this hectic school year has caused teachers to be stressed, the teachers are doing a wonderful job keeping students engaged and trying their best to keep this year as normal as possible. 

