Comfy Clothes on the Rise

Working from home, schooling from home, or strictly quarantined within your own home, comfort is key. When the most someone can see of your body is your shirt up, why not chill in sweatpants, or even pajama pants. Not only are sweatpants a staple item at home, but you see so many more people dressed comfortably when they are out and about this year. Fashion has certainly taken a turn, and people are here for it. 

n you are sitting in the comfort of your own home every day, why not be comfy right? GHS students are living models of what is most advertised these days. Sweatpants, sweatshirts, school spirit t-shirts, you name something comfortable, and our students represent it.  “As a mainly hybrid student, I spend most of my days in baggy sweatpants and oversized crewnecks,” said Paeon Hyde ‘23. “In the past I would dress up almost every day for school, but this year, it is about every other day, and that’s on a good week.” For those who have dreaded getting dressed for school everyday, may have found the best part of 2020, not having to get “ready” for school. 

As you scroll through social media, you see advertisements left and right for loungewear. From deals to jacked up prices, there are hundreds of new selections that you would have never seen before this crazy year.  As a lifelong sucker for cute sweatpants, this is a dream come true; companies have come out with more styles than ever before. “I have never stuffed my sweatpant drawers more full,” said Maddy Glasow ‘22. “I can’t complain, although it does feel good to still dress up every once and awhile, bringinging a sense of normalcy back into my life.” Comfort fashion is one of the silver linings that runs through these uncertain times. 

Ordered at your fingertips, delivered to your front door, and onto your body these trends go. When we look back on what people wore in this time period, a big contestant will be the comfort clothes. “I have never been one to dress up on the daily, but this year I don’t even have to feel bad about it,” said Payton LuGrain ‘22. “I know for me, Nike has come out with so many new joggers, and I love that.” People of all ages and genders are thriving in the new comfort fashion. 

Not having to look at what might be commonly thought of as put together on the daily, has been a game changer over the past year. Just because the trends are different, does not make them bad. GHS students have proudly supported the most common clothes of the times, and find it hard to imagine they actually got dressed nice, and came to school ro went out and about every day prior to COVID-19.