Curtain, and go!
GHS drama club gets their photo taken in anticipation for their fall play on November 11, 12, and 13. This play isn’t your average play as there will be 45 short plays in the matter of 100 minutes. “I’m so excited for the opening night of the play,” said Ruby Dickerson ‘24. “It’s going to be different then other plays in the past and I can’t wait to see the crowd’s reaction.”
Galena High School’s Drama Club will be presenting the play Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind on November 11, 12, and 13.
Directed by GHS teacher Ron Jenkins and his wife Tracy this play won’t be something you want to miss.
Too Much Light is different from any other play that GHS Drama Club has performed. Audience members won’t just be able to watch this play, but will also be a part of it.
Numbers that correspond to each play are displayed on a clothesline on stage for everyone to see. When a cast member calls out “Curtain!” This will signify to the audience to call out a number of the next play the cast will perform. Plays will start to be performed when a cast member yells out the title of the play and the word “Go!”
“There is so much variation in this show. It has been a lot of fun to work on,” said Emma Blaum ‘24.
Plays performed might be just one word, or around three minutes long. There are 45 plays that will be performed in 100 minutes. At the end of the 100 minutes, the production is over no matter how many plays actually get performed.
Audience members will see Blaum, Evelyn Callahan ‘25, Maya Dickerson ‘22, Ruby Dickerson ‘24, Hanako Howland ‘23, Hayes Noble ‘23, Cael Ozee ‘25, Jovian Pham ‘22, James Salazar ‘22, Caleb Soat ‘23, and Conner Soat ‘25 perform in the show.
“People should see the fall play because a lot of time and effort has been put into making it happen. It’s also very unique from any other play we’ve done in the past,” said Noble.