How to Take on Senioritis: 2022 Edition
As the reality of college sets in and the excitement of becoming more independent, senioritis start hitting seniors hard. Sadly this year we can’t pull the “I don’t feel good” card because of COVID-19. Along with this, seniors are allowed to exempt out of finals their last semester if they have all A’s and have zero abscesses the last quarter. This concept makes it very hard for seniors to have a “sick day.”
Senioritis is shown in students in their final year of high school. Some symptoms can be shown by a decline in motivation or performance. Most students go into senior year with their main focus on college applications and the stress of awaiting college letters. Once students hear the news that they got accepted into school, they tend to slack a little in the learning department because we no longer have to worry about our paths after high school.
“Senioritis really started to kick in when the golf season was over,” said senior Grace Hillard. “Golf took my mind off of schoolwork and all of the crazy things happening in my life.” Some things Hillard has done to prevent senioritis from occurring is making endless memories with her friends before the school year ends.
Some consequences if you fall into this rut can be, not trying on your homework, unable to concentrate in class, and not preparing for tests and quizzes. These consequences can result in bad grades which can prevent your ability to play sports and participate in other school activities. Along with this, colleges expect you to keep your average GPA up therefore falling into this rut isn’t ideal.
While there isn’t a cure to this undiagnosed sickness there are few temporary causes to get through senioritis. After four long years of hard classes, after school activities, sports, and homework your body needs some wanted sleep. Even a 15 minute nap after school can make you feel refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day. Additionally, becoming more involved can clear your mind from the stress of being a senior. Sooner than you know, you aren’t going to see many of your classmates until you come home from college. Becoming more involved with school events and sports can make your senior year more exciting and eventful.
“To clear my mind off of the excitement of graduating, I have made sure to prioritize my friends and family since I will not be able to see much of them once college rolls around,” said Natalie Stangl ‘22.
While the days dragged on and trying to conquer the laziness and lack of motivation senioritis holds, the class of 2022 is making the best of their senior year. If you are able to do a few more months of dreaded school work and wake up before 7, you will be walking across that stage with your diploma before you know it.