GHS Welcomes Back Ms. Anderson-Beadle with Open Arms
Lillie Anderson-Beadle is smiling for the camera as Galena High School’s new English teacher. She teaches both freshman and senior classes. “ I can’t wait to watch the students grow and become young adults,” said Anderson-Beadle.
Galena High School has many new faces this year, including its staff. This year they welcome back Lillie Anderson-Beadle as the new English teacher. She graduated from Galena High School in 2018 and recently graduated from Iowa State University in May 2022. Anderson-Beadle is teaching English Ⅰ, College English, and Communications.
Anderson-Beadle is currently having fun rediscovering the school, students, and teachers. “I won’t lie, sometimes it feels a bit weird to be back here again,” she said. But even if being back is an adjustment, Anderson-Beadle still has an advantage over most first-year teachers. She is familiar with the school and doesn’t have to learn the other teachers’ names or the layout of the school.
This school year is full of exciting things for Anderson-Beadle. She is excited to see what decisions the seniors make about post-high school at this exciting point in their life. She is also looking forward to working with the freshmen because they will be her first class that she gets to see all the way through high school. “Watching them grow and become young adults will be so rewarding,” said Anderson-Beadle. She is thrilled to work with teachers who she has been admiring her entire life and gain insight about lessons, policies, student life, and being an adult.
Returning to Galena High School might be a little odd at first, but Anderson-Beadle has an exciting year ahead. She loved going to Galena High School as a student, and now she gets the opportunity to experience it from a new angle that she didn’t know much, or anything, about. “Truly, the most exhilarating part of being back at GHS is getting to embarrass my little sister, Molly B, for the rest of her high school career,” said Anderson-Beadle.