Parker Studtman

Pirate Competitor of the Week December 5

Parker Studtmann Boys Varsity Basketball – Parker helped the Pirates go 2-1 last week. In the 3 games Parker had 14 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assist in a win vs Durand, 12 points, 12 rebounds (11 huge defensive rebounds), 5 steals, 3 charges taken in a win vs Potosi and 7 points and 6 rebounds in a loss to Rockford Christian. Coach Wienen commented, ‘Parker is one of the best on ball defenders I’ve had the privilege to coach. He loves to play defense. His ability to read certain players and adjust throughout the game is what makes him a special player! He’s always had the ability to score but this season he’s become a great passer and leader for our team! As only a sophomore, his growth, willingness to learn and get strong physically and mentally is going to be huge for our program down the road. He is one of many kids that work extremely hard on the court but also off of it! He’s a great young man that leaves everything on the floor every night!”

Other Nominations

Cael Ozee-Speech – This week Cael competed in his first speech tournament ever. He made it to the next-in final in Radio Speaking – which means that he qualified as one of the top 12 speakers at the tournament. There were 46 students entered in Radio Speaking. After the final round, Cael placed 4th in the “Next In Finals” final round. “I’m very proud of Cael, really he just learned how to do radio last week,” said Coach Susan Bookless. “He has a great voice for radio and I’m so excited to see what he is going to accomplish this year.”