New clubs have been opened up at GHS this year. One of these includes the ski and snowboard club. Led by Mr. Leavitt, ski and snowboard club grew quickly in popularity. Every Wednesday, the ski and snowboard club meets out at Chestnut and they discuss upcoming events, changes, and their possible trip to Granite Peak. Although they don’t all ski together, many students go out at the same time for the group lunch of Pizza and soda. “Ski club is a good club to join if you like to have fun with your friends.” says Hunter Howland ‘25. He also said he “will probably do it again next year”.
Some students drive themselves to Chestnut, but others don’t have that ability. To allow all students an equal chance of getting to Chestnut, Mr. Leavitt drives students in need, as long as there is enough interest to make it possible.
To raise spending money for the club, they have share nights at Adobos. Kids can sign up to fill in for one of the hour-long shifts between 4:00 and 8:00. During this time, the students can answer questions about ski and snowboard club, clean tables, and enjoy their own food. Frank Ciangi ‘24 said “The share nights were fun, and they helped earn money for the new ski club. An hour for each shift was definitely worth it.”
Chestnut has had a poor year for skiing due to the warm and wet weather, but this hasn’t stopped the ski and snowboard club. Many students have gone out over the weekends, and after school. Some students have even gone out to ski and snowboard during school hours through the many e-learning days we’ve had this year. Logging into classes in the cafe, on the lift, or even on the hills, these students couldn’t resist the extra time to ski. When asked about skiing during online classes, Elliott Blaum ‘25 said “It was lit.” When his classes rolled around, he “went into the cafe to log in.” Some teachers may have gotten upset, while some may have found it entertaining, but Elliott says, “Most of my teachers didn’t even notice, and the ones that did, didn’t really care.”
As the temperatures get warmer and warmer, with no time for Chestnut to blow snow, the ski season approaches its inevitable end. The students, however, continue to go out to ski and snowboard for as long as they can, no matter how bad the snow is.