Principal Madeline Hawkins’ day begins long before the first bell rings at Galena High School. After preparing breakfast for her family, she ensures her children are ready for school and drives them to campus.
Her workday begins with a warm welcome to arriving students. “While every day presents new challenges,” Principal Hawkins explains, “my typical routine includes checking in with students and staff, working on school projects, observing classrooms, and fulfilling other administrative duties.”
Staff meetings, often held after school, are a crucial part of her role. These meetings provide a platform for discussing upcoming events, exams, and other important school matters. During the holiday season, Principal Hawkins enjoys the tradition of presenting gifts to her dedicated staff members.
Evenings often involve attending GHS events, such as games or concerts, with her family. However, one of the most rewarding aspects of her day is simply connecting with students and staff. “We have an exceptional team of educators and students,” she shares, “and I cherish the opportunity to learn about their lives outside of school.”
Observing engaging classroom activities is another highlight. “I always learn something new during classroom observations,” she notes.
Discipline is undoubtedly the most challenging aspect of her role. “It’s important to remember that students make mistakes,” Principal Hawkins emphasizes. “Every situation presents an opportunity for learning and growth.” However, she finds it particularly difficult when students exhibit rudeness towards peers or staff. “I strongly believe in the importance of kindness,” she states, “and witnessing rudeness within our school community is deeply disappointing.”
To maintain order and efficiency, Principal Hawkins meticulously plans her week using Google Calendar. “I create a detailed schedule outlining my weekly objectives,” she explains. “However, flexibility is key, as unexpected situations inevitably arise.”
Before retiring for the night, Principal Hawkins prioritizes spending quality time with her children. “Reading a bedtime story to them is a cherished nightly ritual,” she shares.