Friday (3.7)
- Lunch – Mac and Cheese
- HR – SAC Meeting
- HR – NAHS Meeting
- 4:45 – FFA Alumni Fish Fry
Saturday (3.8)
- IHSA Solo and Ensemble
- Varsity Scholastic Bowl @ Masonic Tournament
If you are interested in sports apparel orders, the track and softball stores are still open. Check out the announcements in your email for the links.
Track –
Softball –
Freshmen through Juniors, please fill out the form that Mrs. Deppe emailed you. It will help Mrs. Deppe in college planning for next year. Thank you!
Good luck to the Scholastic Bowl team as they travel to Bloomington today to compete in tomorrow’s Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl STATE Tournament at Bloomington. They will be competing against 11 other teams from across the state. Team members should be dismissed at 2:20 to catch the bus at 2:30.
Sophia Wachter was approved for her state degree! Sophia completed many steps to accomplish this goal. This includes working for 750 hours or investing $1000, creating entries about her job, having 25 hrs of community service, and much, much more. If you see her please tell her congratulations!