Cheerleaders pipin’ it up


Nothing screams football more than pom poms and mini skirts. With fall sports in full swing and three football games under their belt, the GHS Cheerleading Squad has been making a splash. Cheerleading at GHS has been making a comeback over the past couple of years, gaining more and more members.

After practicing Monday through Thursday since mid-summer, the cheerleaders have been learning more cheers than ever. Though not competitive, this cheerleading squad performs a variety of stunts — a favorite aspect of both the participants and the spectators. According to senior Sofia Sanchez, the season is off to a great start: “Cheerleading is going amazing, and I can already see improvement made from our first game! It’s probably the most fun activity I’ve been apart of at GHS, I’m so glad I joined!”

Guided by their fearless leader Mrs. Rosenthal, senior Bailey Dragusica states, “Rosy does an amazing job at being an English teacher and a cheerleading coach at the same time. She has amazing leadership skills, and I believe she will continue to make cheerleading more popular and have cheerleaders more involved.”

Cheerleading has one male member, junior Isaac Pulido, who states, “Honestly, it’s pretty cool… I get referred to as just one of the girls. I think everyone’s comfortable with me there.”

If cheerleading continues to expand as predicted, tryouts might soon be necessary in order to keep a maximum of 16 members. Although every member denied commenting, there are several rumored upcoming cheers to be debuted at skit night. Get excited.

Fortunately, no one let the secret out and everyone at skit night was delighted when the cheerleaders performed their routine to the song “Petty Song.”