Fun Teachers Don’t Always Mean Good Teachers


Seven hours a day and 5 days a week, students are forced to spend time with their teachers. Teachers heavily impact students lives. Teachers oftentimes expect more work out of students than they can give. Students are taking over the laziness of their teachers, which can negatively impact their educational experience.

Teachers should be positive role models for their students and give full effort in educating them. There are many teachers who don’t put in enough effort and rely on students for learning all by themselves. Teachers often sit in class on their phone or eating a snack with a class full of students right in front of them. Teenagers can easily get distracted and do need reminders to stay on task and get work done.

A teacher is at school because it is their job. If they don’t like their job, they should seek a different one.Teachers are getting payed for teaching kids and helping them learn. Students don’t learn anything when all the teacher does it print out worksheets from the internet. They can easily get them on their own if they are that interested in the material Since the teacher easily finds the worksheets online, it is likely the students can find the answers online. Watching videos every other class is just pure laziness.”Learning from YouTube videos isn’t beneficial because they are always so generic” said Sophia Heisler. When teachers can’t figure out what to do for the rest of the class, maybe they just do something productive instead of finding a youtube video to watch.What teachers help students with know will impact them for the rest of their lives.

Teachers should be able connect with their students and understand each person. Everyone has a different learning style, and teachers should respect that everyone learns differently. Good teachers need to be patient and be willing to take the time to explain important details. “A good teacher is someone who is flexible and understands students’ schedules outside of the classroom” said English teacher Mrs. Sarah Rosenthal.It is very helpful and valuable to students, knowing that their teachers understand that their class isn’t our only class

Teachers try to point out that they are not there to learn, and that learning is the students’ job. We wouldn’t need teachers if we could teach ourselves everything we needed to know. Teachers are not only there for teaching, but for support and guidance.

Teachers should step up and be more involved in their classroom. Changing things up can keep both students and teachers entertained. Math teacher, Mrs. Randi Burken said, “All teachers should change up the classroom and make things fun.”If the teacher is using the same lesson plan, students will easily get bored. If the teachers get bored teaching the same thing everyday and have no enthusiasm, the students will not be intrigued to learn. All teachers should be become better teachers, and strive for success in the classroom. The better they are as teachers, the better people their students will become in the future.