GHS seniors take April test in October
SAT Ready! Kate Moran ‘21 waits patiently for the standardized test to begin. “I looked at the packet and saw that the original date was April 14, 2020, and thought it was crazy that we were supposed to take the test six months ago,” she said.
Each year taking the SAT is a rite of passage for Galena High School Seniors. Last year, however, due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the GHS class of 2021 was not in session in April when it was time to take the test. On October 14, 2020, seniors had to sit for and take the SAT test in the high school gym. “I was annoyed because I wanted to get it over with, and not really have to worry about it my senior year,” said Zack Ehrler ‘21.
Many high schools across the country were not able to take their SAT/ACT tests when they were scheduled in the spring. Because of this many colleges and universities waived the SAT as a requirement for admission. Students at Galena High were happy to hear this news, but were not happy when they knew they still had to take the standardized test.
“I was happy that I had an excuse not to take it,” said Riley Wills ‘21. “But I was very annoyed when I found out I needed to take it in order to graduate even though the colleges I’m applying to are not requiring it.”
The test was also a burden on students because there were not teachers to encourage seniors to do their Kahn Academy like previous years. “I can not say I was prepared, but I did not find it super challenging,” said Maya Trautsch ‘21. “It was comparable to the MAP tests and other big exams we have taken in the past. It was a very long test though, so it was extremely difficult to stay focused throughout the whole thing. However, I do feel good about how I did.”
Students will receive their results in approximately three weeks. “I feel like the test went decently well, I wasn’t exactly waiting for the time to come, but it did not go too bad,” said Jacob Townsend ‘21. With the SAT now behind them, the class of 2021 can look forward to the many other senior milestones yet to come.