Cake in Math? Tech math stresses real life application
Who knew making cake went hand in hand with math? The tech math class converted cake measurements into single servings to practice using math in real world situations. “Tech math is way more fun than your average math class,” said Calvin Quick ’22. “Everyone gets involved and it makes class way more interesting.”
On Sept. 2, Mrs. Calfee’s Tech Math class made cake during their first hour block. In Tech Math, students learn to use math in real-life situations. For this project, the Tech Math class took a recipe for a whole cake, and converted it into one serving in a mug.
“We are currently in our restaurant unit where we are learning about all of the math that is behind the scenes at restaurants in terms of costing out menu items,” said Calfee.
Last week the class worked on scaling recipes to make different portions. They converted measuring units in ways that would be easy and realistic for a chef to measure out. For this specific project, the class had to convert a 12 serving recipe into one serving.
Once students demonstrated that their calculations were correct and they had a chance to put their answers to the test. They measured out their cake ingredients and made a microwave cake.
Since students had to do the math to end up with the correct measurements for their cake, it gave an incentive for them to try their best. “This project made class way more fun since doing the math paid off,” said Reece Reiger ‘22. Without the correct converted measurements, the cake wouldn’t turn out as well. For some of the students, it was challenging to convert the recipe and make their final product successful. Many of the students agreed that the project got people interested in the class. Kiera Lyden ‘22 liked the project. “It got everybody really involved and brought us closer as a class,” she said as she watched her peers put their cakes in the microwave.
Tech math is a transitional math class. It is open to seniors and people who have completed Math III. Students learn how to apply math to real-life situations and get prepared for college. The class gains the ability to access college-level math classes. This class is a way for high school students to set themselves up for their future careers. The class is also going to work through other units like Health Services, Forensics, Construction Trades, and Manufacturing this year. As the school year moves forward, Mrs. Calfee’s Tech Math class will continue to apply math to real-world situations and keep students involved.