Extra Extra Read All About It!

Each year students anxiously await the distribution of the latest edition of the GHS yearbook. “I can’t wait to see the pictures and remember what happened last year,” said Ayden Wells ‘23. “I think the yearbook looks great this year.” The yearbook covered sports, student life, and academics. It also spotlighted the seniors and their future plans. 

The publication class worked hard and put a lot of time and effort into ensuring it was done by the end of summer. The yearbook this year is something new to the eyes. It is very bright and colorful, drawing people’s attention to want to read it. The Pub’s class sold 150 copies of the yearbook and there were no extras this year. Some people also purchased theirs at open house. 

“Considering I was a part of the team that put it together, I thought it was so fun and aesthetically pleasing! The bright colors and creative work really brought it all together,” said Paeton Hyde ‘23. 

The Pub’s class spent endless hours on the Yearbook to ensure that every student at GHS enjoyed the yearbook. They worked on their own time to make sure it was done in time and they also worked on it during the beginning of summer. 

“Making the yearbook took a lot of focus and hard work. As a team we tried our best to produce a great yearbook, we spent a lot of time working behind the scenes and I think it turned out great” said Julia Townsend ‘23. 

Something cool about the yearbook this year is YBK+. Yearbook plus allows you to look at more pictures that could not fit into the yearbook. This year the seniors will be able to upload some of their senior pictures. All you have to do is scan the QR code at the beginning of the yearbook then find Petey the Pirate in the yearbook and scan him. Once you scan him you will find more pictures to look at. Make sure you get your yearbook for next year so you don’t miss you. You can scan the QR code on the posters around the school or ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK HERE