In a small town like Galena, it can be incredibly challenging to get the resources that people need to get a head start on the career people want. Thankfully, the Galena Police Department gives students the opportunity to get that head start with the Explorers program.
Keith Brandel, one of Galena’s officers said, “One of the things I really love about the Explorers is that students get to learn about law enforcement and interact with law enforcement officers.” This is something that a lot of the members can agree is one of their favorite things about the program. Students get to participate in different events that you normally wouldn’t be able to, such as getting insight on how everything works and personal learning experiences from the officers.
The program allows for people to get an inside look as to how and what police officers do. “It’s been incredibly fun and interesting so far, I’ve learned a lot from the people here,” said sophomore Layla Schemehorn, “I’ve also learned a lot from the members, too. It really is such a welcoming environment. I’ve met a lot of new people from this.”
All of the members only have nice things to say about the program, especially since it offers so much for such a little town. “We’ve done a lot so far like learning about radios, less than lethal, 10 codes, parade etiquette, and a lot more,” said Schemehorn. It’s relatively clear that the officers only want the best for these members, and that they really do try to make it a fun learning experience.
However, it looks like they don’t plan on stopping the program anytime soon. “There’s a lot more to come and I would love to get more members!” says Brandel. The program is slowly increasing, and it’s all because of the officers’ hard work and dedication. Students who are interested should get in touch with one of the members or officers, or attend the meeting that happens at the start of the school year. All of the officers and even members are doing amazingly well at promoting it and it shows.