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The Spyglass

The student news site of Galena High School.

The Spyglass

The Spyglass

Adam Swisher

Adam Swisher, Staff Writer

As an early cub scout, Adam Swisher was not hooked on the idea. “My parents pushed me into it and originally I was not impressed,” said Swisher. But soon after, he changed his mind.

Earning merit badges and different ranks, Swisher advanced through the stages of being a cub scout eventually reaching the boy scouts.  In order to become a boy scout, an individual must undertake a code of law and memorize certain oaths, be a hard worker and an overall good person. “It is not something to be looked over. It takes over 120 hours to become an boy scout,” said Swisher.  

Every summer since becoming a boy scout, Swisher has attended the Canyon Camp as a camper and as a counselor the last four years. As a counselor, he teaches merit classes, manages staff and completes needed paperwork for approximately six to eight weeks every June and July.

In addition to being a camp counselor, Swisher began his eagle scout project in order to eventually become an eagle scout. “Besides completing the requirements to become a cub scout and a boy scout, you have to make a proposal and have everything mapped out- like who will work, what materials you need and so on,” said Swisher. “And later on, you have to present your plan to a committee to have it approved.”

Before the age of 18, Swisher completed his eagle scout project on a collapsing one room schoolhouse in Miner Road cemetery. He completed an entire renovation of the building: laying gravel, adding new foundation and replacing the ceiling.

After a month long project, Swisher successfully became an eagle scout. Even as his first experience as a counselor, he recognized the benefits of being a scout. “It changes your work ethic. With very limited time, you gain skills that can be used in the real world,” said Swisher.

As a good leader, hard worker and self motivated, Swisher considers himself a lifelong scout. He has gained key values that he hopes to carry with himself his entire life.


By Lisi Ludwig

All content by Adam Swisher