Going Above and Beyond
Pirate Nation is proud to announce that three GHS students have been named the Outstanding CTE students of the first quarter! Those hard-working students are Evan Ettleman ‘22, Allison Garcia ‘21, and Sophia Northrup ‘21. Each was nominated for their amazing work at the academy.
Every year, juniors and seniors have the opportunity to attend the Career Technical Education (CTE) Academy to get more hands-on learning in the field they are interested in. The academy is located in Elizabeth and has served over 11,000 students since 1972. Each quarter, students are nominated by their teachers for exceeding expectations. Students who are nominated display leadership, teamwork, and professionalism.
Evan Ettleman was named the outstanding CTE student of the first quarter in Construction
Trades. “I’m always looking for something else to do,” said Ettleman. “I feel good that I am considered an outstanding student. I feel accomplished.”
Allison Garcia earned this recognition in Early Childhood Education. Garcia said, “I was honestly really surprised but really glad. I’m happy that our teacher took me into consideration when it came to the award because there were a lot of students that worked hard.”
The outstanding student in Cooperative Education is Sophia Northrup. “To achieve this, I took careful notes and explained fully what jobs I had completed and wrote on my timesheet to show the growth of my skills,” Northrup explains.
The three GHS students that have been recognized for going above and beyond have really made their school proud. They are great examples to others and we hope for more
students to be recognized in the quarters to come.