From La-La Land to the big apple

Hallway decorating shows GHS school spirit


From La-La Land to The Big Apple. From Sin City to The Big  Easy. It was hallway decorating day on Monday September 17. Students came to the high school  from 6:00 until 8:00 pm and came together to put together their hallway masterpieces. The theme for this homecoming was the cities of America!

With the freshman having New Orleans, the sophomores having Las Vegas, juniors having New York, and finally in their last year of decorating, the seniors had Hollywood. The anticipation continued to Tuesday, when the winners were decided. Classrooms were bursting with suspense and excitement waiting for the winner to be announced that morning.

“Everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats!” said sophomore Moira Pyatt. After everyone at GHS played the waiting game, the results were announced.

Fourth place was the Freshman with their New Orleans-Mardi Gras party. Maddy Glasgow worked on the hallway for the first time this year. “This was a lot of work to coordinate everyone and everything we needed,” she said. “I think we learned a lot this year, and will do much better in the competition next year.”

Third place was the Sophomores with their Las Vegas extravaganza. “We thought we should have gotten a better score,” said Student Council Member Will Nack. “We worked really hard and we had some really creative decorations.”

The senior class took the second place spot with their City of Stars, Hollywood decorations. “Everyone really worked together to get the decorations up,” said Senior Morgan Wills. “It was actually a lot of fun to rush and get everything up and decorated in only two hours.”

First place was Juniors with the New York Big Apple. “Hallway decorating is really fun and makes me feel like I’m really part of what’s happening in the school this week,” said Lizzy Eaton. “I think we did a great job and it was awesome to be recognized for that.”

Faces of disappointment and shouts of cheer filled the hallways. However, no matter the outcome, whether it was a feat or a big win, everyone is looking forward to shaking off all of the homecoming stress at the dance at the end of the week. Shake it off, and happy last homecoming to the seniors.