COVID-19 Vaccine- Why it is a good thing


Mrs. Bookless posed for a selfie after she got her first COVID vaccine.

Coronavirus has taken a toll on everyone’s life. The vaccine has been released, and many people have gotten it. Doctors, nurses, and now the second wave of people are now getting the vaccine. This includes people who are 65 and older.  Teachers are also included in this wave. People have been having many mixed feelings about it, but I think that it is a good thing. 

I believe the COVID-19 vaccine is something everyone should want to get. It not only could protect them, but help us get back to our normal lives. My senior year has been affected by this virus in many ways, and it is so frustrating that people don’t want to even get the vaccine. 

The teachers are excited for the vaccine. Mrs. Bookless is especially excited for the vaccine because she is excited for life to get back to normal. “I am ready to be able to go out and do the things that I used to,” she said. “I miss seeing my family.” She was able to get the vaccine the first week it was offered in Jo Daviess County. 

Mrs. Frederick is also very excited to get the vaccine. She explained, “I miss seeing my parents, and just being able to go out without worrying.” She also plans to get the vaccine when it opens. 

“I believe in science, and I trust the scientists,” Mrs. T said. She is anxious to get this vaccine so she can somewhat get back to a “normal” life. 

Teachers at GHS are excited to get the vaccine. Not only should they be, but I think everyone should be. The vaccine can help us get past this weird virus that has almost been here for a year now. It’s time to fight the virus, and the vaccine can help.